My 2018 lifestyle favourites

  Hello beautiful people and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that 2018 was a year of growth, happiness and health. No matter what life threw your way, you made it through and you should be so so proud of yourself for getting to this point. It’s a New Year, a new beginning, and your time…

What mindfulness means to me

Hola lovely reader. It’s been over two years since I last wrote about my journey with mindfulness so I wanted to write a little post about where I’m at and how I use it in my daily life. I’m aware that mindfulness and spirituality are not for everyone but I feel inspired to talk about…

Learning to listen to your body

It’s the middle of summer and a lot of us are in overdrive trying to achieve our summer goals. Whether it be fitting into that perfect bikini, affording a luxurious holiday or getting ahead of your workload before you jet off on your holiday, you might be feeling under pressure to be working at your…

Affirmations: How to use them to transform your life

A lot of us have goals and desires in life, some of which we may think are completely bonkers and unrealistic whilst some seem fairly achievable. Whatever your dreams are, affirmations can be used to make them come true and I want to share with you how this can be done. What are they? Affirmations…

Finding the beauty in ‘sadness’

In life there’s a common belief that we have to constantly be ‘positive’ to live life to the fullest. Positivity and keeping a positive mind is of course a huge bonus, but one of the natural instincts of the human ego mind is to destruct this positivity and happiness. Whilst it is important to see…

How to: be productive

Like a lot of people, something I’ve dealt with from a young age is having a very busy mind. Although I work hard daily to have control over observing my thoughts and controlling what emotions I allow myself to embrace, I’m very aware of how busy it is. In terms of anxiety, overthinking can be…

2017: The little things that changed my life

Happy New Year everyone! Yes, it’s late but it’s better late then never right? I’ve kind of neglected this blog for a while as I was swiftly swept into the whirlwind of second year; trying to balance Uni work, raves, mingling, meditation, yoga and fitness. It’s safe to say that first semester well and truly…

How Vipassana meditation changed my life

Earlier on this year I had quite a magical and surreal experience during a meditation session which most definitely had a life changing effect on me. All my life, anxiety has been a huge obstacle and was one of the main reasons I took an interest in meditation originally. Although basic meditation has an amazing…

Body confidence and social media

* Just a little note: I wrote this blog post a year ago and looking back at it has made me realise how far I’ve come with my mental attitude towards my body as well as the genuine happiness and contentment I have within my own skin. I feel that the points I cover in…

HOW TO: Raise your vibes everyday

In this incredible world that we live in we want to make the most of every moment we have here. Some days it is so easy to feel bogged down or negative, causing us to be unproductive or on a constant low, having pessimistic views towards the universe. Other days we may feel really positive,…